Quantum Awards 2024
We are excited to announce the winners of the International Quantum Awards 2024 for outstanding achievements in quantum science research!
(1) Prof. Hoi-Kwong Lo, Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Control, University of Toronto:

Hoi-Kwong Lo is one of the pioneers of quantum cryptography, having made several fundamental contributions to the field including security proofs of quantum key distribution (QKD), devising the idea of decoy-states, and most recently, measurement device independent QKD. QCMC 2024 is happy to award Hoi-Kwong Lo the International Quantum Award 2024 for his foundational role in establishing the security of quantum cryptography and his subsequent work to close the existing gap between the theory and practice of quantum key distribution.
(2) Prof. Luming Duan, Institute for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Tsinghua University:

Luming Duan has made important contributions to the fields of quantum communication and quantum computation, including the well known Duan-Lukin-Cirac-Zoller (DLCZ) protocol for long-distance quantum communication as well as the Duan-Kimble scheme for scalable optical quantum computing. Most recently, he has built one of the largest trapped-ion simulators using 300 ions in a novel 2D ion-crystal in a Paul trap. QCMC 2024 is happy to award Luming Duan the International Quantum Award 2024 for his enormous contributions to the field of quantum information processing.
(3) Karol Życzkowski, Jagiellonian University (Cracow) and Polish Academy of Science (Warsaw):

Karol Życzkowski has made fundamental contributions to the theory of quantum entanglement, from introducing the well known entanglement measure called “Negativity” in a seminal paper in 1998 to more recent works on constructing absolutely maximally entangled states. He has also worked on pioneering and novel aspects of random matrix theory with applications to quantum information theory. QCMC 2024 is happy to award Karol Życzkowski for his significant contributions to the development of quantum information science and its wider dissemination.